CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewell

Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif has launched the CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewell aiming to transform agriculture in the region by providing solar chargers to deserving farmers. This initiative addresses high electricity costs for farmers and promotes the use of efficient irrigation systems for high-value crops. The program includes a cost-sharing formula tailored to the economic capabilities of the farming community and outlines enrollment and eligibility requirements.

CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewellوزیراعلیٰ مریم نواز شریف نے ٹیوب ویلز کے لیے وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب سولر پلان کا آغاز کیا ہے، جس کا مقصد مستحق کسانوں کو سولر چارجرز فراہم کرکے خطے میں زراعت کو تبدیل کرنا ہے۔ یہ اقدام کسانوں کے لیے بجلی کے زیادہ اخراجات کو حل کرتا ہے اور اعلیٰ قیمت والی فصلوں کے لیے موثر آبپاشی کے نظام کے استعمال کو فروغ دیتا ہے۔ اس پروگرام میں کاشتکار برادری کی معاشی صلاحیتوں کے مطابق لاگت کے اشتراک کا فارمولہ شامل ہے اور اندراج اور اہلیت کے تقاضوں کا خاکہ پیش کیا گیا ہے۔

CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewell Features 

These are the going with the central parts farmers can now gain daylight-fueled chargers under this program with no problem at all.

Minimal Upfront Cost:(کم سے کم پیشگی لاگت)

Ranchers can kickstart their solar journey with Farmar sun-powered chargers by making an amazing investment of just 25% down upfront! Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to harness the power of the sun!

Government sponsorship:(حکومتی سرپرستی)

 Ranchers can reimburse the venture for more than five years because the Punjab government pays the excess 75% of the absolute expense. The transparent lottery mechanism ensures that qualified customers fairly divide solar panel installations, providing everyone equal access to this renewable energy source.

Whole Package:(پورا پیکج)

The people who tackle the issue will receive solar-based chargers along with other essential components, such as batteries, inverters, and other solar devices.

Financial Relief:(مالی ریلیف)

 By giving farmers sunlight-based chargers to run their tube wells, you might reduce their monetary strain from developing energy bills

Operational Efficiency:(آپریشنل کارکردگی)

Harness the power of solar energy by implementing solar-powered tube wells to boost operational efficiency significantly!

Environmental Sustainability:(ماحولیاتی پائیداری)

 Lower fossil fuel byproducts from regular cylinder wells controlled by gas and diesel will assist with advancing natural manageability.

Subsidy plan for farmers of Punjab tubewell solar scheme

The sun-based tubewell program of the Punjab Chief Minister gives solar power supply endowments as indicated by the KW limit.

  • 10 KW solar system will get a subsidy of PKR 500,000 from the government of Punjab
  • 15 KW solar system will get a subsidy  of PKR 750,000 from the government of Punjab
  • The 20 KW solar system will get a subsidy of PKR a million from the government of Punjab.

The farmers will undoubtedly add the leftover installment to introduce the nearby planet group. For the qualification of the program, applicants should be private in the region of Punjab. The property he will show is enrolled in their name. Have an electric tubewell that can utilize around 15 KW of force. The farmer will give a duplicate of your CNIC and Fard-e-Malakiat. You will download the application from the Farming Division’s website, open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, 0800-17000

Overview of the CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewell Program

The thought for this program began with Maryam Nawaz Sharif’s political race vows to give farmers free solar chargers. The drive was placed into impact soon after the Punjabi Boss Clergyman got down to business, and its essential objective is to decrease the monetary strain that rising gas and electric bills are putting on farmers.

Who Can Take Advantage of the CM Farmer Solar Scheme?

Although the public authority presently can’t seem to authoritatively declare anything, early reports show that limited-scale ranchers will be quick to fit the bill for solar chargers. Ranchers who qualify should work their property. Follow the authority channels to remain informed about any updates.CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewell

Name of the Scheme:

CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Tubewell

Total Allocation Cost:

Rs. 9,887.42 million (Rs. 2,500 million for 2024-25)

Gestation Period:

2 years (2024-25 to 2025-26)

Solar Scheme objective:

  • Development of solar irrigation for climate change adaptation and resilience in agriculture
  • Maximize crop production and water use
  • Improving the financial benefits of irrigation for farms

Scheme Components:

Solarization of 7,000 Tubewells

Eligibility Criteria for Farmers:

One farmer from each family will receive a single facility or solar system. The applicant must be a resident of Punjab Province. Please attach a copy of their current CNIC and FRC certificates from NADRA.

Owner of farmland situated inside a similar locale’s income region as the applicant. A copy of your current CNIC and Fard-e-Malakiat ought to be connected as verification of possession.

Farmers who own an electric tubewell with a power need of up to 15 KW can apply for solar-based chargers. They must provide proof of tubewell ownership through the latest electric tubewell association bill; those who are non-payers or defaulters will not be considered.

The installation of the Tubewell Electricity link was due on March 31, 2024, at the latest. Eligible farmers’ solar panels and tubewells have a water table depth of up to 60 feet.

The establishment of the Tubewell Power Connect was expected on Walk 31, 2024, at the latest. Qualified Farmer’s solar panels tubewells have a water table depth of up to 60 feet.

A three-phase electrical connection is required.

Category-wise Total Cost:

Rs. 9,887.42 million (Govt. Rs. 9,887.42 million)

How to Apply:

  • The solarization of tube wells will be essential for an immense mindfulness crusade. There will be a print media crusade empowering ranchers to present their applications.
  • Media crusade empowering ranchers to present their applications.
  • The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Water Management) office will have the application form available, and applications will be submitted there as well.
  • The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Water The executives ‘ office will have the application form available, and applications will be submitted there as well.
  • Applications will then be analyzed in light of the norms illustrated in the promotion. A balloting system will be utilized to pick the successful farmers given the region

Department/Wing of Agriculture Department:

Water Management Wing of Agriculture Department Punjab.

Suitable for the Maryam Nawaz Solar Panel Scheme requirements?

To qualify for the CM Punjab Solar Scheme for Farmers, farmers need to fulfill the following requirements:

Property Ownership: To be eligible for the program, applicants must own a minimum of two acres of property.

Low Electricity Consumption: Farmers who use less than 100 units of electricity per month are also eligible to take part in the program.

Punjab Farmers’ Guide to Maryam Nawaz Solar Panel Scheme Registration

Farmers eager to use the CM Farmer Solar Scheme for their tube wells should register for the program by following these easy steps.

  • Register: To sign up for the CM Punjab Solar Panel Scheme, go to the Bank of Punjab branch closest to you.
  • Ownership: Farmers who register their solar systems and make the required 25% down payment are the rightful proprietors of the installations.
  • Take Advantage of the Plan: Register as soon as possible to take advantage of interest-free solar panels.


One of the primary parts of the Punjab Sunlight-based charger Plan is supposed to enable around 50,000 farmers nearby. Ranchers can embrace practical cultivating procedures and radically diminish their reliance on traditional energy sources by taking on solar energy under the Ehsaas program 8171. Take Advantage of this life-changing chance! Get a registration form at the Bank of Punjab branch that is nearest to you, and start your journey towards a more maintainable and more promising time to come with the CM Solar Panels Program For Farmers.

پنجاب سورج کی روشنی پر مبنی چارجر پلان کے بنیادی حصوں میں سے ایک کے بارے میں خیال کیا جاتا ہے کہ وہ آس پاس کے 50,000 کسانوں کو قابل بنائے گا۔ کھیتی باڑی کرنے والے عملی کاشت کاری کے طریقہ کار کو اپنا سکتے ہیں اور احساس پروگرام 8171 کے تحت سورج سے چلنے والی توانائی لے کر توانائی کے روایتی ذرائع پر اپنا انحصار یکسر کم کر سکتے ہیں۔

زندگی بدلنے والے اس موقع سے فائدہ اٹھائیں! بینک آف پنجاب کی برانچ میں رجسٹریشن فارم حاصل کریں جو آپ کے قریب ہے، اور سی ایم سولر پینلز پروگرام برائے سابقہ ​​کے ساتھ آنے والے زیادہ برقرار رکھنے کے قابل اور زیادہ امید افزا وقت کی طرف اپنا سفر شروع کریں۔


What is this scheme?

It assists ranchers with converting tube wells to sunlight-based power, lessening costs and ensuring a reliable water system.

Who can apply?

Farmers in Punjab who own at least 1 acre of land can apply

What subsidy do they offer?

  • 10 kW: Rs. 500,000
  • 15 kW: Rs. 750,000
  • 20 kW: Rs. 1,000,000

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